BBC Education
BBC Education
Our vision is to ensure that every student enjoys their learning and feels valued for who they are. This is underpinned by our school values of kindness, ambition and creativity. Our core expectations are: Be safe, Be respectful, Be ready to learn. These expectations enable all students to make a positive contribution to our school community and prepare our young people for life beyond Burgate.
Every day, as Burgate students attend their school, they have choices to make about how they conduct themselves; our aim is to ensure these choices are made with our school values in mind: Kindness, curiosity and ambition.
At The Burgate we aim to create a positive culture that encourages students to make positive choices and embrace all the opportunities in and outside of school. We pride ourselves on our whole-school inclusive approach to maintaining high standards of behaviour that reflects our values and expectations.
We aspire for all our students to leave our school as responsible, respectful and resilient global citizens who are able to flourish and thrive in society.
Considerate, kind and compassionate behaviour will be taught not controlled. We will analyse behaviours displayed and not moralise them so that we can support our students in being able to internally dela with their choices do not require external discipline to modify their choices. We will do this by creating respectful relationships that are curious about context, consistent but offer induvial flexibility and compassionate.
We have a consistent but flexible approach to restorative practice ensure all children can make mistakes and be supported to reflect, change and grow in their choices. Our staff are empowered to be confident in de-escalation and restorative practice to build positive relationships with students. With our approach to educating our children how to behave we aim to provide our students with the skills to help them navigate the modern world successfully and be a positive global citizen.
Expectations Curriculum
Behaviour/Expectations Cirriculum
At The Burgate we believe that students should be taught how to behave. The knowledge, understanding and skills required must be taught and our high standards and expectations must be made explicitly clear. When students leave The Burgate, they should have the skills to:
Be safe and follow the school expectations and guidance both in school and beyond Burgate including online.
Be respectful and be kind to yourself and others, including online
Be ready to learn by modelling and reflecting the values of the school.
Be ready to learn by accepting the consequences of any poor choice, and work with the school to resolve it.
Developing positive habits that help a student thrive at The Burgate School & Sixth Form
Be Safe and follow the school expectations and guidance in school and beyond
Be Safe with eachother (physically & emotionally)
No unwanted physical contact "keep your hands in your vehicle."
Respect each other’s personal space.
Move around the school site in a safe, sensible, calm and orderly manner, stay on the left of corridors and follow the one way system.
Report anything which makes you feel unsafe to any school adult.
Go straight to your next lesson by the quickest route, following the one-way system.
Students show respect and are kind, curious and ambitious.
Speak to your tutor, Head of Year, safeguarding team member or another trusted adult if something is upsetting you.
Be Safe in Lessons
Enter the classroom calmly and sensibly, get straight on with the task.
At the end of the lesson pack up all equipment, stand up behind chairs, sort uniform and wait to be dismissed.
When moving between tasks follow instructions carefully.
Do not get up out of your seat without permission.
Put your hand up to ask a question, do not shout out.
Be Safe in unstructured time
Follow staff instructions first time, every time without question.
If you wish to challenge respectfully you must follow the instruction first.
Enter and leave the school respectfully and sensibly.
Report any concerns to a member of staff, if this is in break or lunch time please report i to a memebr of the duty team.
Keep all ball games safe and follow dut6y tsaff intructions.
Stay off the grass when it is wet.
Queue sensibly, step forward when told to do so by the staff member on duty.
Be respectful and be kind to yourself and others, including online
Communicate Respectfully
Act and speak respectfully to others, this includes on the way to and from school.
Think about the language you use before you speak.
Always try to remain respectful in your conversations with all our community members.
Use manners and show kindness.
Be respectful and polite to other students, staff, visitors and members of the local community.
Engage in restorative conversations with manners, honesty and kindness.
Challenge respectfully using your manners to ask the staff memebr if you can share your persepective. They may ask you to come back at a time in the day that works for them.
Behave Respectfully
Uphold our school value of kindness, curiosity and ambition at all times.
Treat all members of the school community with respect, treat others how you would wish to be treated.
Respect the school uniform policy; take pride in wearing your uniform correctly; you represent The Burgate School.
Try not to walk away from a member of staff when they are speaking to you.
Challenge repsectfully using manners and kindess.
Distracting others and yourself does not match our values and must be avoided at all times.
Arrive to lessons as quickly as possible, "our feet do not need to sop."
Work with staff members to achieve the best possible individual success.
Take pride in the presentation of your work.
Respect the learning environment
Look after your learning environment, keep it clean and tidy.
Put litter in the bins provided.
Have pride and look after the school building and equipment.
Follow rules regarding specialist rooms and areas of the school such a science and PE.
Stay in your duty areas during break and lunch. This is to ensure that if there is an issue a duty adult can be there to support you.
Follow the one way system clamly during the shcool day to esnure all everyone can move safely around the site.
Be ready to learn by modelling and reflecting the values of the school.
Ready to learn in the classroom
Attempt all work that is set.
Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.
Never quit and walk away.
Ask for help when you need it.
Work hard, stay motivated and focus on the task.
Enjoy new challenges.
Try your best, you will be recognised for your effort.
Be Ready to Learn around the school
When things go wrong speak to people respectfully away from the situation.
Deal with any sanctions that are applied, don’t bury your head in the sand.
Report concerns don’t allow things to escalate or get worse.
Be Ready to learn with peers
Show patience with each other.
You don’t have to be friends with everyone, but you do have to be respectful and kind.
If there is a disagreement, ask for help from a member of staff.
At all times remain respectful, kind and safe.
Be ready to learn by accepting the consequences of any poor choice, and work with the school to resolve it.
Responsibiity for your actions & behaviour choices
Be responsible for your actions.
Be responsible for your words.
Always show responsible behaviour outside of school
Do not engage in inappropriate behaviour when using the internet or social media.
Take ownership of how your actions effect the rest of the class or year group.
Always try to make sure your behaviour meets the school’s expectations.
Apologise if something has gone wrong and learn from mistakes.
"Sorry is a word, the apology is the action you take after it."
Responsibility to attend
Attend school every single day.
Attend school on time every single day.
Attend school with the correct uniform and equipment.
Attend all lessons on time.
Do not leave lessons without permission.
Avoid going to the toilet during lesson times wherever possible.
Responsibility for your learning
Take ownership of your learning
Contribute positively and complete work to the best of your ability.
Work with staff members to achieve the best possible individual success.
Follow classroom routines.
Always have a printed copy of your timetable and know which lesson you are going to next.
Complete homework to the best of your ability and hand it in on time.
Classroom Management
We understand that it is our responsibility as educators to teach your child, in partnership with yu how to make success and postive behaviour choioces.
We will aim to:
· Create and maintain a stimulating environment that encourages students to engage in their learning
· Use professional curiosity to support students in choosing positive behaviours and outcomes.
· Promote the Burgate Expectations through classroom practice
· Develop positive relationships through following the recognition and restorative systems
· Enable success through our behaviour management strategies:
o Meet and Greet
o Drive Bys
o End and Send
· Recognise the success of the individual and share this with parents to support all stakeholder relationships.
· Understand students can exhibit poor behaviour choices that are not necessarily deliberate or intentional, but that the effect on the recipient could still constitute negative behaviour.
Recognition sits at the front of our relationship policy. Recognising success is essential to our learner centered approach.
All staff will use the school systems to foster positive and respectful relationships and support individual recognition daily and cumulatively.
The foundation of all recognition is our school values and expectations.
Success will be recognised through a range of approaches including:
· Positive verbal praise from a quiet word of personal praise to a whole class recognition
· Phone calls and emails home to parents
· Positive Praise Post Cards
· Head Teacher’s Commendations
· Recognition in Celebration Assemblies
· Year group specific recognition events
Student Profile
Our student profile is designed to show detailed examples of not only what level our students are working at but also examples of what this looks like in a classroom and school environment.
The profile also gives clear examples of what a student can do to improve their engagement and therefore their ultimate success in their education.
This is followed up by student reflection guided by tutors in tutor lessons each data drop to build reflection, goal setting and intrinsic motivation.