BBC Education
BBC Education

Transition work begins in Year 6 with students invited to attend our inclusive Head start programme along with co ordinated work across Science, Maths and English
In Years 7 and 8 the students follow a broad and varied curriculum. The focus is on stretch and challenge for all to enable the students to make rapid progress and to acquire the skills and knowledge required for the GCSE years.
Students are placed predominantly in mixed ability teaching groups with two high ability sets pre-GCSE to enable rapid progress for more able on entry.
Formal assessments (learning landmarks) are conducted according to our Assessment & Reporting schedule and targets are shared with students and their parents on a regular basis though the termly report.
We operate a three year programme of study. We will encourage students to enjoy their learning, improve their personal organisational skills and enhance their cultural capital through enrichment opportunities.
The GCSE offer is planned with a clear progression onto Post 16 studies and beyond. In Year 8 students are supported in making informed choices and are encouraged to study a broad range of subjects including humanities, languages and the arts. Where appropriate some students may follow an alternative curriculum.
The type of Level 2 qualifications (GCSE, BTEC, CNat) on offer have been chosen to ensure high quality transition to Level 3 courses.
Post 16: Many of our students choose to continue their studies in our sixth form. The choice of courses is broad and balanced and students build on the choices made pre 16.
In addition to the traditional curriculum subjects we also deliver a Core Skills programme (literacy and numeracy catch up) to improve students’ access to the broader curriculum.
PSHE is delivered through tutor lessons and is specifically tailored to each year group based on the principles of SMSC and British Values.
Religious Education is taught to all students as a curriculum subject in Years 7 and 8 and it is also an option subject for GCSE and A Level. In Years 9, 10 and 11 Religious Education is delivered as part of the tutor lesson, as it is in the Sixth Form.
Students are prepared well for the wider social and economic world through extra-curricular activities and enrichment opportunities. Students are able to participate in trips and visits both at home and abroad and teachers regularly offer extra-curricular activities ranging from STEM to Amnesty International. (A full list is available on our website). All students in Year 10 and Year 12 undertake work experience and the school hosts a yearly careers event and has its own independent careers advisor.
Our motto is ‘Learning for Life’.
Our vision is for every student to enjoy their learning and feel valued for who they are.
Our mission - We provide a broad and diverse curriculum with a creative approach to learning that inspires curiosity, encourages collaboration, builds resilience and develops flexibility of thought.
Curriculum Intent at The Burgate School and Sixth Form
Our aim is to provide a broad, balanced, high quality and relevant curriculum that meets the needs of all our students.
We will only offer courses that are beneficial to our students’ personal enrichment and future economic well-being.
We want our students to be enthusiastic about learning and to have high expectations in the pursuit of excellence.
We promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. We want our students to uphold British values and be able to appreciate other cultures, traditions and values and be respectful to others.
We want our students to be safe, resilient and reflective and be able to make informed choices that effect positively on their own well-being.
“The school curriculum is not only the subjects on the timetable; it is the whole experience of education.”
Sir John Dunsford (2012)

For further information and a full list of subjects on offer at GCSE and A Level please read our Curriculum Policy linked from our Policies webpage.
Curriculum details for each subject with exam board and specification are available on our individual subject webpages.