BBC Education
BBC Education

Business & Economics
Business - Curriculum intent:
The Business course we offer provides a diverse, high-quality curriculum for those that choose to study the subject with transferable skills that allow a smooth transition from the education environment to the real working environment and support students to develop their own economic wellbeing. The courses taught give an understanding to all functional areas within business to allow students to make informed decisions about future career prospects.
All business sizes and sectors are investigated to allow students the opportunity to apply their knowledge to real life. The subject gives students a good understanding of what they need to know to be a valuable member of society when they enter the world of work, either in the public or private sector. The course also educates students about areas they need to consider if they were to run a small business start-up e.g. external factors on business such as legislation and what business form is most suitable.
We have a three- year programme of study at GCSE which provides our students with time to build deeper knowledge and partake in personal enrichment and entrepreneurial opportunities such as the Tenner challenge. Links are made with our A-level students, many of whom mentor our GCSE students during these extra-curricular tasks. These opportunities help to develop a range of skills such as creativity, confidence, independent learning, team working and communication skills.
We encourage students to build upon their curiosity and enthusiasm of this subject through of current affairs that effect businesses today. This fundamental practice is key to success as it enables students to apply their knowledge to real business situations and further understand the course they are studying.
The Business department caters for those who wish to be creative, when delivering marketing in year 10 students have the opportunity to create promotional campaigns for a chosen business idea, there is also an opportunity to create a business plan in year 9 and present this to the class. The department students with the opportunity to follow the stages of the recruitment and selection process, making links with our careers provision, creating CV’S, filling out application forms and taking part in a mock interview within class, therefore putting our students in a strong position to gain employment after education.
Finally, students are also given the opportunity to develop their financial understanding further preparing them for life after education. As well as teaching the curriculum we also provide students with understanding about personal finance in terms of why finance is needed and what methods of borrowing is available.
To fit in with the real-life nature of the course the department has made links with employers that have been used in the past and spoken with our students, the course is taught by skilled professional practitioners and create a safe but challenging environment that encourages our students to be enthusiastic, confident and committed to their own metacognition, thus prepare them for the working life.
GCSE Business - Exam Board : AQA - Exam Code: 8132 - Exam board website: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/business/gcse/business-8132
A-Level Business - Exam Board: Edexcel - Exam Code: 9BS0 - Exam Board Website: https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/edexcel-a-levels/business-2015.html
Learning Explorations Year 9
Year 9 Business Students undertake additional learning explorations within as series of lessons that draw together knowledge, understanding and skills from across other subjects to help them understand how this subject can apply to various aspects of real life. Students will explore topics such as, applying for a job and the process of recruitment and selection,
pay, personal finance, and ICT to create their own business plans.

Economics A level
Economics - Curriculum Intent:
Economics is the study of how individuals, businesses and governments make decisions about the use of resources available to them to satisfy the infinite wants and needs. Students gain a full understanding of key economic theories and principles. We aim to ensure students develop an interest and enthusiasm for the subject and appreciate its huge influence on the wider economic and social environment.
We expect students to apply their knowledge and understanding of economics to make sense of what is happening in the world around them on a local, national and international level. Students should be inquisitive and aware of current affairs and economic trends. Students will better understand the basic economic problem of scarce resources, what gets made from them, how it gets made and then who gets it when there are infinite needs.
Students will be expected to research and question the world around them and to apply theory to reality. Students will think like economists to be able to offer a range of solutions to key issues faced by society. They will be shown that economic behaviour can be studied from a range of perspectives, to be able to challenge the classical perspective and understand the difference between theory and reality.
This demanding and essential course aims to develop analytical and quantitative skills, together with qualities and attitudes that will equip students for the challenges, opportunities and responsibilities of adult and working life.
A-Level Economics - Exam Board: Edexcel - Course title: Economics A (2015) - Exam Code: 9ECO
Exam Board Website: https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/edexcel-a-levels/economics-a-2015.html