BBC Education
BBC Education
Curriculum Intent:
Our aim is for all students to explore their creativity through performance, composing and analysing a wide variety of musical genres. We want our students to be able to work collaboratively to create successful ensemble performances as well as appreciating the self-discipline required to become a high-level solo musician. We want our students to develop their use of technical vocabulary and apply this when listening to music of a variety of times and places. Above all we want to expand our students’ appreciation and knowledge of the emotional impact music can have.
The Music Department is housed in a separate purpose built suite consisting of one large classroom, a smaller classroom kitted out with MACs and two practice rooms. The space is equipped with a large range of instruments including keyboards, guitars, xylophones, drum kits, a range of untuned percussion, a full samba band as well as various orchestral instruments.
The suite of MACs runs the music software Logic Pro 9 with some MACs also running Logic X and is used for teaching in Year 7 right through to Year 13. The classrooms and practice rooms are each equipped with a piano in addition to a Bechstein grand piano in the main School Hall and a further grand piano in the Sixth Form Hall. The department currently consists of two part time teachers of music with individual instrumental lessons provided by eleven specialist teachers.
Course guidance:
OCR GCSE J536 Music
AQA GCE 7272 Music
Extra-Curricular Activities
There are many extra-curricula clubs and activities for students to get involved with including Orchestra, Senior Band, Guitar Group, Keyboard Club, Junior and Senior School Choirs, String Group, Flute Group and Samba Band. We offer instrumental lessons for most instruments, and students are able to borrow instruments from the school to facilitate learning, though once students become more proficient we do encourage them to purchase their own instrument.
In Year 9, students undertake an exploration on ‘Careers in the Music Industry’. This exploration begins with an analysis of the different roles available within the industry and how they impact on the wider end product, whether that be a live performance or a recorded piece of sound. They consider the current GDP that the music industry provides to the UK, and how many different agents and industries are required to work together in order for this to be a success. Students choose the role they wish to play and work collaboratively towards the final product – putting on a performance. They are responsible for the planning and execution required for this, considering roles such as promotion, ticket sales, venue, equipment, rehearsal and performance.