BBC Education
BBC Education

Modern Foreign Languages
Curriculum Intent
Our aim is for all students to be able to read, write, speak and listen confidently and proficiently in a second [or third] language.
We want them to gain a greater understanding of not only their own language and culture, but also of other languages and cultures through exploring the social conventions, traditions and customs of the target language country.
We want to encourage our students to be inquisitive as they engage with new concepts and viewpoints and for them to develop resilience and flexibility as they begin to express and develop their own beliefs. Studying a foreign language gives students a more global outlook and an insight into how other cultures view the world.
Through learning French or Spanish, students develop their memory, ability to spot and apply patterns, problem solving, confidence and resilience.
At the Burgate, all Year 7 students study both French and Spanish for the first half-term. They then have the choice to continue studying both languages, or to focus on either French or Spanish. At GCSE, most students continue to study their chosen language, with a small group continuing with both languages. Our exam board is AQA for both GCSE and A level. We facilitate students who wish to gain a qualification in their home language such as Polish and German through the EMTAS service.
Students have the opportunity to visit France or Spain in Year 8 and again during KS4. Students thoroughly enjoy experiencing a new culture, making new friends and gaining independence through these trips.
In Year 9 we study the following AQA GCSE specifications:
French: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/languages/gcse/french-8652/specification-at-a-glance
Spanish: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/languages/gcse/spanish-8692/specification-at-a-glance
In Year 10 and 11 we study the following AQA specification:
GCSE French: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/languages/gcse/french-8658/specification-at-a-glance
GCSE Spanish: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/languages/gcse/spanish-8698/specification-at-a-glance
A Level
At A level will study the following AQA specifications:
French: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/languages/as-and-a-level/french-7652/specification-at-a-glance
Spanish: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/languages/as-and-a-level/spanish-7692/specification-at-a-glance
Learning Explorations Year 9
In Year 9, students broaden their knowledge of the French and Spanish speaking world through explorations. In Spanish, we study two films: Ferdinand, which explores the culture of bullfighting as well as forming friendships and being an individual and Voces Inocentes, which explores the El Salvador Civil War through the eyes of a child. In French, we study two films: Ma vie de courgette, which explores friendships, family relationships and bereavement, and La Famille Belier, which explores
family relationships, deafness and music.
In addition, in both French and Spanish students learn about Interrailing, including budgeting and planning an itinerary and transactional language such as booking a room, ordering in a restaurant and asking directions. This exploration helps them to see how they can use their language skills in a practical way.