BBC Education
BBC Education

We are fully committed to protecting the young people in our school.
If you have any child protection or student wellbeing concerns please contact us:
Tel: 01425 652039
In the absence of the above call Hampshire Social Services: 0300 555 1386
In the event of an emergency call 999
Our Safeguarding Team

David Pover

Victoria Becher
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Assistant Headteacher
Behaviour & Inclusion

Lisa Mann

Jack Barfoot
DDSL/Designated Teacher

Heather Arnold
Trustee for Safeguarding

Emma Strike
Our Heads of Year also play a significant role in this area and can be contacted on 01425 652039 or by email:
If you have any concerns over safeguarding of any child within the local community, please use any of the contact details below to report your concern:
Hampshire Children’s Services: 0300 555 1384 (out of hours 0300 555 1373)
Wiltshire Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub: 0300 456 0108 (out of hours 0845 607 0888)
NSPCC Child Protection: 0808 800 5000
Childline: 0800 1111
Please also see The Burgate School and Sixth Form Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.
Further useful information about support with our school and outside organisations can be found on our Student Wellbeing webpage.