BBC Education
BBC Education

Year 8
What skills do I need to be successful?
In a fast changing world, you are getting ready to do jobs that may not even exist yet! That could be scary or exciting, depending on your point of view. Well, one thing we can be sure of is that change is here to stay, so take every opportunity to develop your employability skills (in class and elsewhere) that can be used in every job, whether it exists yet or not.
With options coming up later in the year, you definitely need to visit the careers fair to get some ideas and find out what employers and training providers are looking for.
Top tip: make sure you are Learning For Life!
What skills are needed to do different jobs? How might this change in the future?
What do employers want? How do I know?
Job descriptions and skills required to fulfil them.
What are my skills and how can I develop them further?
Into which careers might my skills take me?
How does what I do outside the classroom develop my skills? How would an employer know?
How can I ‘read between the lines’ to understand what a job advert is looking for?
How can I use Unifrog to help me record my skills?
Moving forward, and thinking about options, what skills do I most need to work on?